Monday Programme
Lent Term 2020
Cribs, diagrams or videos can be found at:
Strathspey Server,
Leeds Branch database,
or they will be mailed to you if you join our mailing list.
Class is every Monday in term.
Classes begin with teaching of steps and figures, followed by social dancing using the things we have learned. In Lent Term we usually focus on dances from the programmes of various balls (in particular the Oxford & Cambridge Highland Ball - see the events page for details).
Beginners are always welcome and there is no need to bring a partner or to have special shoes, wear something you are comfortable moving about in. All dances will be fully walked and called and anything that anyone indicates they don't understand will be further explained and/or demonstrated as required.
Wednesday Programme
Wednesday Class is 8pm-10pm
Wednesday Class resumes on 9th October for Michaelmas Term. Kate Gentles will be teaching this class which is more oriented towards learning formal technique than Monday night classes. All are welcome to attend if they wish to learn more about this aspect of Scottish dance, Kate will be teaching some of the Monday night classes if you wish to discuss the level of this class with her. These classes are in the same location as Monday night classes.
Kate Gentles will be teaching Step dancing (preiously known as Ladies' Step) one Sunday per month, closest dates are 19th Januar, 16th February and 15th March- St Philip's Church Centre on Mill Road (over the railway bridge, just after the Co-op) 14:30 to 17:00 (these are Sunday afternoons). Step is mostly solo dancing, no partners needed, and is not exclusively for ladies (people of all genders welcome, which is why I've changed it's name). Classes are £5 if you are a student, £8 otherwise. Details of which dances will be taught are likely to be available nearer the time. more details at the rscds page
Highland classes will take place on selected Fridays of term at 7:30 pm(there is no charge). For more details contact